Thursday, February 25, 2010

Am i skeptic???

Do girls talk more than guys?? Might be true.. Some research say that women talk almost three times as much as men, girls uses average of  20,000 words in a day & guys around 13,000 words...

Why is that so?? Gals are naturally more at ease with discussing topics and subjects which guys tend to shy away from. Because its in our genes & harmones.

Its true that guys tend to be more easily agitated than gals and have a harder time self-soothing.

Gals speak more quickly, devote more brainpower to chit-chat and gets a buzzed out of hearing their own voices...and are trained to have more strong anxiety about being wrong. They are possed to have greatest creative power of all...

But what the guys brain lack is the converstation and emotions...

I think this is why men get heart disease more...

You may call me a skeptic..

What about gals  who dont talk much & guys talk a lot.  I think they must be acting outside of their gender role? Or Just to fit into such a sweeping study? Or  are they just different?

Wat ever it may be.. The Research statics about gals & guys usage of words in Pixint World is knocked-off....

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